These 'standard' routers are ALWAYS defined
Logical NameClassNotes
stdinCInStringRouterrepresents the 't' router for input
stdoutCOutFileRouterrepresents the 't' router for output
wclipsCOutFileRouterOutput only for CLIPS programs
wdialogCOutFileRouterOutput only for CLIPS programs
wdisplayCOutFileRouterOutput only for CLIPS programs
werrorCOutFileRouterOutput only for CLIPS programs
wwarningCOutFileRouterOutput only for CLIPS programs
wtraceCOutFileRouterOutput only for CLIPS programs

Note:dribble captures all 'standard' router output. Also all stdin data is echoed to the dribble file.
CCLIPSWorkspace will be updated to include an option for ALL router data (User-Defined and Standard) to be captured by dribble